Photo & Content Sharing Policy

Our content is the copyrighted material and we work very hard to produce it. It is not legal to share it on websites or by any other media without permission.

Photo Use

You are welcome to share one photo per article/recipe as long as you prominently link back to the original post. Do not share more than one image from a post without our explicit permission (email us). In the case of recipes, do not republish the recipe itself.

Using our pictures and photos to promote something else: You must request our express written permission beforehand. We do not allow our photos to be used as clip art/stock images/illustrations unless we’ve negotiated the licensing details and compensation.

Article/Recipe Use

You may not republish our articles or recipes. We don’t allow other websites or publications to publish our articles or recipes. Again, our content, including photos, articles and recipes are copyrighted material and may not be published elsewhere.

Content Syndication

We don’t allow our recipes or posts to be syndicated. No exceptions.

There is no need to contact us for confirmation of the permissions presented on this page. For questions that are not answered above, email us at mixy@mixthatdrinkcom.